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  • Writer's pictureChanelle Mackenzie

Sundays in Germany: Why Many Businesses Close Shop.

This custom in Germany, of on Sundays every shop will be closed definitely caught me off guard. I am very used to going shopping any day of the week and getting what I need, including and most often on a Sunday. But on Sundays in Germany, it seems like the entire world has gone into stealth mode. It's pretty much a ghost town, both in and outside the city.

Picture of a corner store on a quite street that has green tiles
Apart from shops at the Airport, shops at the Munich Main train station "München Hauptbahnhof", pharmacies "Apotheken", or petrol stations "Tankstelle", everything is closed, including most restaurants.

Apart from shops at the Airport, shops at the Munich Main train station "München Hauptbahnhof", pharmacies "Apotheken", or petrol stations "Tankstelle", everything is closed, including a lot of restaurants. So, why do they do it?

Well, it turns out that the Germans are quite attached to their Sundays. Rooted in centuries of tradition and religious observance, this day is reserved for family gatherings and relaxing. The idea is to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle, giving everyone a chance to rest.

As with most things in Germany, it's not just about culture and tradition; there are some legal regulations in place that restrict commercial activities on Sundays. In Germany, the Shop Closing Law "Ladenschlussgesetz" or Sunday and Holiday Law "Sonn- und Feiertagsgesetz" varies from state to state but generally restricts the opening of most businesses on Sundays and public holidays. There are some exceptions as mentioned above, such as pharmacies, restaurants, and certain types of stores located in high-traffic areas like train stations or airports.

In summary, make sure you do all your shopping between Monday and Saturday or you will have to either venture to the Main Train Station to get what you need or pay higher than normal prices at the petrol station. Once you get used to it, it's actually kinda nice that Sundays are so quiet, it really forces you to slow down too.

*All information sources are linked directly in the post.

*All information is provided to the best of our knowledge as of March 2024, but we are not liable for its accuracy or completeness.

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